Friday, October 16, 2009

Crazy Life

So my cousin who is also about to be 25 lives and works in Vegas. Must be a family thing because he also had no idea what he wanted to do with his life, he was just floating along, sometimes with the wrong crowd but he is finally getting it together. He got into a graphic design school in San Fran and starts in Feb! Two nights ago he was getting off work around 4am and his friend picked him up. They started racing another car and ended up crashing and killing a 31 year old man with two kids. The driver is in jail and is now on suicide watch, and my cousing is a wreck. This just goes to show I guess we can't take life for granted and that we need to appreciate everyday, even if we don't particularly like the situation we are currently in. Do something about it and make the most of life, sometimes it is shorter than we realize. Sorry for the Debbie Downer comment but I just felt the need to tell anyone who reads this.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Ok I think I am narrowing down my choices on what to do next. I am going to apply to Teach for America and for the Americorps...did you know you can go to Puerto Rico, Guam or the Virgin Islands and it's not as long as the PeaceCorps?! I am also going to get a TESOL certificate. Maybe then I can live in Spain again where I can meet a Spanish prince and become royalty...or somewhere in South America, maybe I'll find the leader of a drug cartel (or not)! Grad school plans are on hold, why waste money and time on getting a degree that I am not sure I want. For now I am going to try to have a positive attitude about life and be happy for the things I have accomplished and the people in my life. Everything happens for a reason, and we have to keep living life to the fullest no matter what. I am excited for what's to come! I am still going to win $100,000,000 in the lottery too!